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How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal

How to Clean Your Garbage Disposal

The average American household puts their garbage disposal through a lot year after year. What with all the food waste we shove down there day after day, garbage disposals are unsung heroes that do a lot to help us out. The good news is that it doesn’t take a lot to...
Dealing with Water Damage: First Steps to Take

Dealing with Water Damage: First Steps to Take

Water damage is a costly and emotionally (and physically) draining situation that can impact homeowners when they least expect it. Whether the cause is flooding from a rainstorm, a pipe break, or a roof leak, dealing with the aftermath of water damage can take...
6 Tips to Take Care of Your Water Heater

6 Tips to Take Care of Your Water Heater

In the course of our lives, it’s easy to forget about all the hard work our water heaters do for our homes. They help us cook, clean, enjoy hot showers, wash the dog, and a ton of other tasks. But even though they’re workhorses, our water heaters need TLC every once...
DIY Methods to Clear Your Drain

DIY Methods to Clear Your Drain

We all know that when we turn on the faucet in our sink, shower, or tub, the water is supposed to go down the drain with the joy of Julie Andrews twirling in an Austrian hillside. But sometimes that doesn’t happen. Sometimes the water gurgles, pools at the drain, or,...
When to Replace Your Toilet

When to Replace Your Toilet

The items in your home have various lifespans; some things only last a day, while others last a week, month, year, or even a decade. You often think about things that need to be replaced daily (like groceries, if you’ve got a family with an appetite!) or weekly (like...
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